About Mrs. Spencer
Hello everyone! My name is Mrs. Spencer and this will be my 6th year at Lehman-Jackson Elementary and my 8th year teaching overall. I am so very excited to be starting the new school year! I am looking forward to meeting all of the students and their families. I have high expectations for the year to come, and I hope you do too. When I am not in school, I like to read, play soccer, mountain bike, and play with my dog, Winston. I have two sisters (One is a twin!) and a wonerful husband (Mr. Spencer). I have enjoyed my summer, but I am very excited to get back to school! Let's all have a wonderful year! Please look around the website for announcements and important information.
And the BIG NEWS is I have a new baby boy at home who I love spending time with. I will be on maternity leave tentatively until October 16th. I'm sad that I will not be seeing you at the beginning of the school year, but I am lookig forward to seeing you all when I do get back! I know you will do your best work and be on your best behavior for the substitute while I am on leave!
Here are some of my favorite things:
Color: Blue
Food: Cheeseburger
Sport: Soccer
Football team: Cowboys
Book: Mysteries
Animal: Elephant
Season: Fall
Mission for the Class
1. Create life-long learners by making learning fun and meaningful.
2. Celebrate everyone's unique talents and differences, that's what makes us who we are.
3. Focus on becoming generous, independent, citizens of good character.
4. Try our best in every thing we do. Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.