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Spelling Flow Lists



 This method is used for introducing new words and maintaining the spelling of review words.  How often do we take a weekly spelling test and then forget how to spell a word?  These flow lists are a way to keep these words familiar to us. 


Students will have a group of words (# will vary).  The words are placed on the spelling flow list form.  Students will then study the words and will be tested daily (not for a grade). Mrs. Carter or I will mark each correctly spelled word with a "C" and each incorrectly spelled word with an "X".  When a word is spelled correctly 3 days in a row, it is crossed off the list, and a new word is added.  All words that are spelled correctly for three days are filed alphabetically into a word bank.  A week later, Mrs. Carter or I will check to make sure that the student still knows how to spell the words added to the bank (SO DON'T FORGET ABOUT THEM).  If a word is incorrect, the student adds the word back on his/her list. 


The way it is graded: 

Every week, I will pick words for the student to spell that they have recently gotten correct.  Students should know what words these are and will be notified of when the test will be given.  This will be a test grade.


Students will also have a spelling contract to complete each week.  They should ONLY use the words that they are working on spelling currently.  The contract is worth 15 points.


Please click on the buttons to the left to see an example of the spelling flow chart and the contract.




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